Kent Dagnall Digital Marketing Consultant

Lifecycle Marketing Strategist

Kent Dagnall guides companies to tell their stories, connect with subscribers, acquire new customers, and create personalized experiences. A farsighted strategist by nature, he has superb design, technology, training, communications, and team-building skills leading to impressive results. 


  • SMS
  • Email Marketing
  • Advertising
  • SEO
  • Content Marketing
  • Design
  • Analytics
  • Political Campaigns

Recent Clients


Enough About Me.

Nice Things Clients Have Said

“Extremely talented! Kent helped my sister and I expand our social media reach and monetize our channel. We were starting from scratch and Kent was instrumental in getting us set up for success. He set us up a new store and forum, increased search traffic, and helped us monetize our book and other product offerings. He is incredibly knowledgeable on SEO optimization and did his research in our market area to get a good idea on what others in our space were doing. Would recommend working with him for website development, SEO optimization and more!

― Dr. Ashley Armstrong,
Half of The Armstrong Sisters

Kent is an excellent strategic planner, who takes a holistic approach to any and every task. So many of our success stories started with Kent’s thoughtful plan to see a situation through until the end. Our volume is up, our staff is trained and our customers are happy.

Jenni HarrisWhite Oak Pastures

Kent is a detailed oriented pro, has the uncanny ability to work non-stop and show up ready for the hunt the next day. He is quick to take up new tactics, shift as the team needs to shift (which tends to frustrate the crap out of mere mortals).

Mark FierroPR & Crisis Management Expert

Kent is a personable and result-oriented service provider who was keenly aware of my goals and worked tirelessly to meet them while providing great value for the services rendered. I have hired him for another project already!

Jay YoungPartner, Howard & Howard Attorneys

I explained one time on a high level what I was needing and expecting and Kent delivered so much more than I could have ever expected. He was timely, professional and easy to work with. I absolutely recommend Kent and will hire him myself for any future endeavors.

Lisa JacobeVP of Marketing & Business Development

Kent is a tireless and energetic man to work with. He approaches a problem with a vast knowledge base and creative insight. His organization is exquisite and his ideas are always indispensable. It was a truly rewarding experience and I look forward to the opportunity to work with him again the near future.

Michael SchisselArchitect

Kent is one of THE finest, most brilliant professionals in the business. Hire this man immediately. He’s a genius.

Jason WhitedInternational Book Editor
Inbound Marketing: A Hero's Journey. Ebook by Kent Dagnall

Inbound Marketing: A Hero’s Journey

Learn to harness ancient storytelling techniques to boost online sales.

“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.

Robert A. Heinlein
Time Enough for Love

Technology Expertise